as we are in an android forum, my last device, a chromebook is off topic. Anyway I like to share of my experience with my toy. It helps me to learn some things in Linux. Maybe someone like to read about my chromebook. The description should work more or less for all intel celeron/haswell based chromebooks

I'm searching since a month for best combination for a dual-boot for my Acer c720p. So I tried a lot of distro's and ways to install a dual-booting system on my chromebook.
In the following I want to share my experiences and introduce my setup at the moment. There is still a lot to learn for me, but with kubuntu 14.10 I have found in my opinion the best distro for my chromebook right now.

I have upgraded my c720p with a Transcend 128 GB SSD. My installation should work with the 16 GB SSD too, but I recommend to upgrade at least to a 32 GB SSD or you have to be very careful to run not out of memory.

I will explain the installation in steps. It takes some time to come through. I tried to find faster ways for the installation, but so far I found none without the chrubuntu script. The crouton is no option for me, because both systems have then to share the very rare RAM, except you have a 4GB RAM intel based Chromebook.

1.Prepare the chromebook
-set the chromebook in developer mode, often described, but here is a link --->http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/...720-chromebook
After that enable the legacy booting

#sudo crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 dev_boot_legacy=1

Finally at the booting you can choose with ctrl+d Chromium or with ctrl+l legacy (from there will linux booting after the complete installation)

2. running chrubuntu scipt from chronos
Use the chrubuntu script at chronos, setup Wlan in chromium, but do not enter chromium, stay outside and run the chrubuntu script twice as described on Linux.com here --->http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials...720-chromebook
First running this script will prepare your disk, shrink the chromiumpartition and setup for distro installation. You will be asked how much diskspace you want to use for kubuntu. Leave for chromium about 10GB, if you have enough space, anyway follow the recommendation of the script, if you have no idea.

#curl -L -O http://goo.gl/9sgchs; sudo bash 9sgchs

At the second time add for kubuntu the following

#curl -L -O http://goo.gl/9sgchs; sudo bash 9sgchs -m kubuntu-desktop

This will need about half an hour for downloading, installing and setup kubuntu.

3. kubuntu setup
When you want to improve the boot time then make a small change in the grub

#sudo kate /etc/default/grub
Changes in grub script this line
#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash tpm_tis.interrupts=0"
#sudo update-grub
then reboot

Most important is a kernel update to 3.17.1. This kernel support the chromebook touchpad and touchscreen, suspend issues are fixed

Update the kernel to 3.17.1,
cd Downloads
do the following in terminal

cd /tmp
mkdir kernel
cd kernel
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa...150735_all.deb
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa...0735_amd64.deb
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa...0735_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.17.1*.deb linux-image-3.17.1*.deb
sudo reboot

4.Additional improvements
-Add a swap file, for example this init.d script --->http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/...wapfile.8.html

Important: Don't try to add a swap partition. With formatting or creating a partition from linux(legacy) side you will kill the dual-boot-system. Chromimum will be damaged and your are back to the start, because you can't write gpt disk from legacy. If someone has a way to handle the gpt disk from legacy, I would like to know. :-)

-The function keys will still not work as in chromium, but you can install them over the settings/shortcutsandgestures

-Disable some effects and Kubuntu response a little bit faster

And now enjoy the kubuntu/chromium Installation, when you have a chromebook in stock or you will think about it for the next shopping.

thanks to stevemp for all the linux backround info and help to find the best combination, special thanks to the author of the chrubuntu script jay0lee

known issues:
-kubuntu is fast, but sometimes it hangs for some seconds, not sure about the cause, maybe the small RAM, but this needs more research